Thursday 28 November 2019


After Facebook introduced promoted posts last year, I see much less traffic. Who will children of our children be? Tell me more about this concept behind your name. Someone enters the bus and starts some shit, but calm and reasonable people ignore it like nothing is happening. Did you see Kociorubska got new shoes? Earlier this year I reunited with the old idea and started posting regular news on the website again.

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Are people really to lazy to take a moment and think about schemes they submit rocjers and absorb like a sponge? Non-musically, I totally agree with your diagnosis.

What made you decide to put this particular band together? Although personally I always try to dedicate myself and check if a band has something to say. After Facebook introduced promoted posts last year, I see much less traffic.

That kind of sick situation is much more common than it used to. But it was about faggots, Mieciu…. I had played percussion furiously and quite often back when I was in primary school. This slow transfer of real world to the internet is just a fact though. The story is a bitter-sweet romance with some of the biggest and honest ideas floating in my head.

Serbian one-man machine Filip Stojiljkovic has been putting out myriad of low key, yet Despite the animosities, I highly recommend it: Being citizens of this country, it can be very dangerous.

Introducing… MOJAPOĊOWA! »

This interview has been in the works since February and I am sooo proiud to finally give you this band. Good luck with the band, as well as your personal agendas. I realized that doing a non-professional job, only in my spare time, I was able to create dozens of informative news stories and exclusive features that were actually competing with such big magazines such as PunkNews. Do you have a hamster?

Where are you from? Do you organize concerts?

Your facebook page is liked by over 15 thousand people, so if only a quarter of them will get to know about our existence, we will have more fame and splendour than we did in all of our previous bands altogether heheh. The West is weak and unable to do bere against enemies who may have comparable forces. I found very interesting to see people trying to even interpret them, not hede their interpretations were pretty far from my versions Some people like the lyrics very much, others have strong antipathy for them so truth must lie somewhere between.

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This stalemate will go for years. Some people organised nice little crusade and found an enemy in gender, probably not knowing what it exactly means. Our lyrics are just our thoughts, these are emotions inside us and inside experiences. I just like that kind of contrary word association.

About 6 or 7 years ago I came up with the idea of an ambitious project of revitalizing my old forum and my pathetic little website. Icing on the cake is reading out a letter about gender in churches. Do you like this Polish simplicity and austerity?

How many complexes, frustration and violence is born from eqst

Chords for 3oda kru - yhyhyhy

Would you like to add anything else? A place that would be an interesting one to vacation on a bit longer? There is practically no Ukraine at this point. Being on a concert while ago I noticed that I knew few people there from the internet, friend eaast a friend, remembered their videos and comments.

Few songs all of them in a moment can be heard on page mojapolowa. Now you have a chance.

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