Friday, 6 December 2019


I just copied the text and pasted it into a shell. Filter regular expressions starts with the letter d , followed by the regular expression to match between slashes. Any line matching the regular expression will be removed from the output. If you like to know what is going on on your computer, this one is for you. There's no need to type in a complicated GeekTool command! geeklet

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There's no need to type in a complicated GeekTool command! GeekTool's approach is to had a global preferences domain as org. They are organised into categories according to their function. The time passing by, I finally realized that those geeks from the beginning of GeekTool made things so cool that the that mere mortals wanted to use it as well! An empty black translucid area will sit on the desktop, with the geek,et palette ready for you to configure this geeklet. Could geekllet help me figure out how to make this show up on the desktop after downloading and dragging File, Image and Shell to the desktop?

Where do I start?

The semi-transparency in text is actually a very clever trick that requires a bit of work. This is excellent, cheers, thanks for sharing.


Before you know it, you'll be an expert! Comments Mellotramp days ago. GeekTool is a macOS application that lets you customize your desktop with great flexibility.

Any line matching the regular expression will be removed from the output. To make things easier, collected here are Geeklets that have been contributed by users of the site. If you feel limited by the Shell geeklet, Web is for you.

I have made some functionality changes to his work and added a couple of things geeeklet well. To reset all GeekTool settings and geeklets, quit GeekTool, open a terminal window, and type the following:.

The first thing to do is to download GeekTool heeklet tynsoe. Ordinarily you tell GeekTool what to display using a complicated GeekTool command.

Getting started with GeekTool | Geeklets

The color portion of this geeklet is to visually, and at a glance know if I am on my VPN or not, as well as if I am on my preferred wifi network. You can insert ANSI sequences to add colors to the text. If you have any questions, or need any help, I will do my best to answer what I can. If you like to know what is going on on your computer, this one is for you.


I am on Yosemite as well with gefklet era MBP. Am I missing a crucial step here? This is where this site comes in. GeekTool is an app for the Mac that allows you to display different kinds of information on your desktop.

You can use regular expressions to either filter lines out of the output, or do search and replace operations. I have a limited knowledge, gefklet did spend a lot of time tweaking this to my liking. Hughseyj days ago.

The colors are changeable to any of the colors listed in the variables section of the script; simply change the name of the color in the script and save for changes to take effect.

The main area of the window shows you four kinds of modules you can use.


This geeklet was originally authored by Jacob Salmela and this is where you will find the License file. Filter regular expressions starts with the letter dfollowed by yeeklet regular expression to match between slashes.

Looks at what people are doing with it More references on the Wiki home page. Geeklet files to download NETstats.

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