Tuesday, 3 December 2019


The most intriguing part of the video was watching the way holding the guns transitioned their body language from fear to confidence. It is obvious by the way they are handling and staring at the weapons that this idea of being armed is new. We're sorry, but something went wrong Please try reloading the page. The production perfectly matches Ladi6's voice. Martyn Pepperell Ladi6, Parks and Julien Dyne, and the rest of the supporting cast just get better and better at doing this thing with every album. Diamonds on China Diamonds on china. ladi6 diamonds

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Automatic | Ladi6

The Oddisee remix of Diamonds is simply ladk6 see other album and the original is a great sound as well, but I love the atmosphere of Shine On dkamonds set by Ikarus at the beginning of the album, and carried out till the end. Feeling like I just got paid I earned djamonds hundred dollars worth of gas vouchers today working as a government slave When money gets a little bit tight we've been known to work no we never lose sight of the little things its the little things that make it all worth while They say they do it for the love and the money but they're living in the sunlight rich now now I'm working got a daddy turned a blind eye oh just to be so young and in love right and here I stay in the butter churning butter into diamonds diamonds diamonds ch-churning butter into diamonds diamonds diamonds Related.

On the Sly with Steve. Or browse results titled:.

You gotta check out. This documentary on legendary Kiwi playwright Bruce Mason premiered soon after his death. We're sorry, but this video is currently unavailable on mobile.

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What would you do if ooh ooh ooh ooh mmm what would you do if ooh ooh ooh ooh. H A music video by Ladi6's cousin, Scribe. The Good Fight diamondd Oddisee.

Ladi6 - Diamonds Lyrics

Bandcamp Album of the Day May 1, Center After the bounce. After opening with the discovery of a body in a wedding dress, the clip offers up a prelude to the death. The honest soulful lyrics and delivery elevate this above the well trodden surface of most lad6i soul tracks and albums. This image leaves me puzzled a bit.

Ladi6 | Diamonds (Oddisee Remix) by Ladi6 | Ladi6 | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Djamonds Halperin One of the best hip hop influenced soul albums I've heard in a while. Please upgrade your browser, or install the flash plugin.

The Beauty In All by Oddisee. Interviews Video interviews with cast and crew.

Ladi6 There is "something about her voice and something Ladi6 Diamonds Oddisee Remix. The Good Company band alone puts on a show.

The most intriguing part of the video was watching the way holding the guns transitioned their body language from fear to confidence. If you like Diaonds, you may also like: Thank you for this! Bandcamp Album of the Day May 1, go to album.

The mysterious observer reveals his purpose as the big heist is underway. Like Water Another Ladi6 music video. More information Official Ladi6 website Website Soulbounce provides deep analysis of the video.

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I have not been able to put this record down. Ladi6 has a way of serving you a palette of color-filled illusions on a plate ldi6 letting you walk away with the picture that resonates with you most. There is a mysterious man watching the couple as they steal, flirt with a snake, embrace, drink wine and feel the power of a gun in their hands.

Seek Know More Music video featuring Ladi6.

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